How does variation among and within plants affect interactions with herbivores?
My research focuses on how and why plant phenotypes vary within species, and the consequences of that variation for plant-animal interactions. In particular, I am interested in mechanisms of population-level variation in plant defense traits and in plant developmental timing as an important axis of trait diversity across scales. Opportunities Whitworth students interested in research opportunities should email me or stop by Robinson 108 to start a conversation. Typically, student researchers work full-time in the summer (paid) and/or part-time during the academic year (for upper-division course credit).
Publications (Google Scholar): Cope, Olivia L., Luke N. Zehr, Anurag A. Agrawal, and William C. Wetzel. 2023. “The timing of heat waves has multiyear effects on milkweed and its insect community.” Ecology e3988.
Cope, OL, Burkle LA, Croy JR, Mooney KA, Yang LH, and WC Wetzel. 2022. The role of timing in intraspecific trait ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.
Cope, OL, Keeefover-Ring, K, Kruger, EL, and RL Lindroth. 2021. Growth-defense trade-offs shape population genetic composition in an iconic forest tree species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science
Cope, OL, Lindroth, RL, Helm, A, Keefover-Ring, K, and EL Kruger. 2021. Trait plasticity and tradeoffs shape intra-specific variation in competitive response in a foundation tree species. New Phytologist 230(2):710-719.
Cope, OL, Becker, Z, Ode, PJ., and IS Pearse. 2020. Associational effects of plant ontogeny on damage by a specialist insect herbivore. Oecologia 193(3):593-602.
Cope, OL, KF Rubert-Nason, EL Kruger, and RL Lindroth. 2019. Chemical defense at decadal scales: ontogenetic trajectories and consequences for fitness in a foundation tree species. Functional Ecology 33:2105-2115.‐2435.13425
Cope, OL and RL Lindroth. 2018. Clonal saplings of trembling aspen do not coordinate defense induction. Journal of Chemical Ecology 44(11):1045-1050.